A wonderful weekend of live music without covid restrictions, finally. Two orchestras and a charismatic conductor make a fine festival

Willem Jan Keizer Rotterdam – Tchaikovsky’s Symphony no. 6, the last symphony he wrote, is nicknamed ‘Pathétique’, like we think referring to the tormented soul of the composer. Wasn’t he probably gay in a time and a country where that was and still is not done? And depressive? Probably this …

The legacy of Julian Bream compares to the famous Andrés Segovia. Bream passed away at 87

Willem Jan Keizer ‘’The guitar is an immensely beautiful and valuable instrument in our musical heritage in its sounds and its ability to evoke atmosphere. The guitar has a uniquely evocative character in its ability to cast a spell.“ Last Friday 14 August 2020, the eminent British guitarist and musician …

Sinfonia Rotterdam schudt de lock-down van zich af in een geïnspireerd en bevrijdend concert

Willem Jan Keizer Rotterdam – Het mocht weer, na maanden van intelligente lock-down in verband met het Covid-19 virus. Concerten geven met publiek, niet meer dan 30 man weliswaar, conform de afspraken. Tegelijkertijd gingen vrijdagavond, de 5e juni, twee orkesten aan de slag met de nieuwe versoepelde maatregelen. In Amsterdam …

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